In Start Up, the project has not gone into any highly detailed planning yet. However, there are some documents that need to be prepared and ready before the project can be initiated.
Creating the Daily log is one of the very first tasks of the Project Manager. This fulfils two main functions. Firstly, it acts as a diary in which the Project Manager can note reminders, actions and other day-to-day information that is important to remember and hold in consideration.
The log also helps save alot of papaerwork when used logically, intelligently and correctly. A second function is to record any other information that PRINCE2 management products cover (PRINCE2 is fairly comprehensive however so this can be rare).
The Daily log is used straight away, for example to record information such as risks that will later be transferred to the more formal risk register. The Daily log can be completly unstructured, however PRINCE2 does suggest some headings.
✔ Date of Entry
✔ Problem, action, event or comment
✔ Person Responsible
✔ Target Date
✔ Results
Obviously, these headings are suggestive and can be stored digitially in a spreadsheet or other form. This allows easier viewing, filtering and selecting of specific records.
One of the main ways PRINCE2 has become so successful is because it was developed by listening to the experiences of project managers and their suggestions on how issues that caused project failures could be avoided.
PRINCE2 looks at lessons in two time frames. Future & Past.
PRINCE2 uses the lessons log to record things found out in this individual project, both positive and negative, for other projects to take into consideration in the future.
The second is looking into the past, and is done during start up, at previous experiences and past projects that can be taken into consideration if appropriate.
The lesson log can take the following format, again this is flexible.
✔ Lesson Type - To be applied to the project, organisation or both
✔ Lesson Detail - Why it is a lesson and details (e.g. cause of the problem)
✔ Date Logged
✔ Logged by - Who identified the lesson (usually project manager or project support)
✔ Priority
When searching for past experience there are a variety of different ways to get information. Some examples are:
✔ Lesson reports from previous projects (based on information from lesson logs).
✔ Corporate guidance, if the project is encompassed in a large organisation.
✔ Personal experience - People who have worked on a similiar project in the past.
✔ Project article in the specialist press.
✔ Reviews and Reports on the internet (be wary of this).